Brian Klein

Our Team

Brian Klein
South Plains FCA Ambassador
Texas Tech FCA Chaplain | 1(817) 995-3235

FCA has always been an important part of my life. I have been involved with FCA since middle school, and continued through high school, college, and in professional sports. This ministry has been a huge impact on me in my walk with the Lord. The mission of FCA has stayed the same through the years, "To lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and his church." That stands true today for myself and every person associated with this ministry.

I am serving the baseball community in the South Plains as the Baseball Chaplain of Texas Tech University. I am also serving middle school and high school huddles in West Texas. My goal and vision is to be used by God to reach the athletes, coaches, and students in this region and to help equip them to go on in their lives and make disciples of their own. Your generosity and selflessness are of immeasurable impact to this FCA team.

Thank you for taking the time to consider joining my team and the FCA team as a whole. I am so thankful to partner with you and to have you join my team. His will be Done!

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